6 Effective Tips to Buying Your Boss a Sincere Present This Christmas

2 min read
Gifts in different wrappings and sizes for office gift-giving

Christmas is just around the corner. Surely in a few days, you’re going to be busy hopping shopping malls to buy presents for your colleagues. Is your boss included on the list? Don’t think of burning your money on an expensive gift. Make office gift-giving practical with these 6 tips:

Six Easy Tips in Buying Your Boss a Christmas Present

1. Research

Buying your boss a gift is like any other project you were given at work. Research the history of the office gift-giving in your company, so you’ll figure out if you really need to buy one for him/her. Consider the following questions:

  • Do your colleagues give gifts to your boss?
  • If they do, what kind of gifts are those?
  • Has it backfired for any of them? How?

2. Know the purpose

Now you know that office gift-giving is part of the tradition, think about why you want to give a gift to him/her in the first place. If your purpose is to score another impression points or win his/her favor, then DON’T do it.

Your boss may feel uncomfortable at the thought that you’re using your gift to take advantage and “twist” your relationship with him/her. You don’t want that to happen, do you?

3. Keep it sincere

Giving a present to your boss should serve as a token of gratitude for a specific act of kindness that one did to you. For instance, if your boss gave you a piece of very helpful career advice, then a nice and simple card of genuine thanks will do.

4. Don’t get personal

Don’t give your boss a present that is too personal or too expensive such as perfume, garment, and jewelry to name a few. According to Dallas-based business etiquette expert and author of “Be on Your Best Business Behavior,” Colleen Rickenbacher (as cited by Heather Boerner of Monster), don’t give your boss something that “touches the body.”

5. Cut costs with your colleagues

Do you know other co-workers who also want to give your boss a present, but are as clueless as you are? Why not buy a gift as a team? For example, if each of you gives $10 or $15, you can give your boss a gift certificate to his/her favorite retail store or restaurant. Cost-cutting is a good way of sharing the holiday spirit without overspending.

6. Don’t feel obligated

Office gift-giving is far different from exchanging presents with your family at home. So, just because you received a present from your boss, doesn’t mean you should give back right away. It’s enough that you show him/her your appreciation with a thank-you note.

It’s the thought that counts. Office gift-giving doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive, so make sure to be practical with the gift items you choose. After all, Christmas is not about giving and receiving presents. It’s the season to celebrate the redeemer of mankind, Jesus Christ.

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Sources: Monster|About, Inc.|DODOBURD.com|
Photo by bruce mars from 

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