A Different Way of Looking at Work and Career

2 min read
an employee thinking about his perspective on personal career

When thinking of career ideas, many people still accept the belief that being employed is the only way to make a living. Some career experts argue that this thinking is no longer true and relevant today, especially in this fast-changing world. This bold statement may be upsetting and unacceptable to some, but a few have suggested and proven this by daring to take on a different career perspective despite the risks to face.

Mind Conditioning

Our years of college education have taught us that to gain financial security, one needs to apply for, and obtain, a job. It has been a way of life when our parents were young, and everyone has this mindset.

Old social norms tried to overemphasize the significance of full-time work to people, hinting that those who are otherwise are of less value.

Are you really secured working for someone else?

The problem with being an employee is you have no control over situations like such as job termination or mass layoffs. In a sudden rush of circumstances, jobs are lost and lifestyles are disrupted. This can happen anytime to anyone.

Worries and What-Ifs in Your Career

Studies reveal that money, or the lack of it, is one of the root causes of domestic conflicts. With unemployment comes these questions:

“What if they are living on one source of income?”
“How do they plan to maintain their current lifestyle?”
“What if laid-off workers do not receive a job offer soon?”
“If an accident occurs, what would happen if they cannot return to work?”
“What happens if their savings run out before they receive a job offer?”

Due to rapid changes in the work setting, however, such incidents can be stressful and worrisome at times, prompting some people to seek an exemption, if possible.

Work is not the only way to make money because there are other sources of income. It may just need someone to discover an empowering and revolutionary career idea to make it come true.

Thus, there is a need to prepare, plan, and organize to avoid falling into such a depressing situation. There is a need to know how to figure out legitimate work from home-based jobs and business opportunities. Start with adapting the right attitude.

In case you need to launch a career or make a vital transition to a different career path, you have to be ready with your resume. If you find it a tedious task, then have someone do it for you. You might want to look at our list of best resume writers and get an unmatched service that would lead you to your goal.

Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

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