Job Hunting Don’ts While Still Employed

2 min read
Job hunting while being on the job as signified by a man on a horse at dusk

Employed but eager to resign and go job hunting? That is something not wise. Let the job search begin without quitting from work— just yet. Get hold of your job to have more control in negotiating with your potential employers—especially about paycheck. But bear in mind—you should not lose focus on your current job while doing the ‘exploration’ and you should keep everything a secret. Or you may get busted.

6 Surefire Tips to Avoid Spoiling Your Job Hunting Activities While Still Employed

Here are some tips you DO NOT have to do when job hunting while you are employed:

Do not tell anyone about your job hunting (or you’re applying)

Even if he’s your best friend in the office, you are not sure he can remain mum about it. Best thing to do is to keep everything to yourself.

Do not include your business contact information

The company you are applying to may drop your present employer a call. Be discreet when giving information. List only your home address and phone number on your résumé.

Do not be easily swayed by blind ads

In your job hunting, be extra careful with blind job ads. Instead, check the right process when applying for a job online. Read them carefully because one of them may be your present company!

Do not attempt to use company property

You are bringing yourself to big risk if you use company property, such as the computer, fax machine, printer, and photocopier. There may be a chance that you may leave proof of job application (cover letter and résumé). If you have no computer at home, you may just visit libraries that offer free use of computers, printers and online access. You may also go to an internet café to start your online job hunting.

Do not make job-search-related phone calls in the office

Somebody may hear you. Again, do not take the risk.

Do not schedule interviews during working hours

Again, one way of avoiding yourself from getting caught is to focus on your present work. If you will be absent twice a week—or more, they may have an inkling that you are already job hunting. Better, schedule multiple interviews for one day, when you can afford only a one-day leave from work.

Image Source:  Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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