Handle a Horrible Boss in 5 Smart Tips

2 min read
an employee dealing with a horrible boss

You can always find a horrible boss—whether control freaks, micromanagers, jerks, or ogres—in any company or group. If you want to know how to deal with that bad boss of yours and improve your work environment, read these smart tips we’ve gathered from around the web.

How to Deal With a Horrible Boss

Try one or more of this bunch of advice to find some mutual ground with your superior (or at least stay sane until you find a new work).

1. Know your superior’s motivation.

Understanding why your boss does or cares about certain stuff can give you hint into his or her managing style. Maybe it’s not that he really cares about how long your lunch break takes; he actually cares about how it looks to other workers and their superiors.

2. Don’t let him affect your work.

No matter how bad your boss’ behavior is, don’t let it affect your work. Remember, you want to stay on good terms with other managers in the firm and keep your job.

3. Stay one step forward.

To stop your boss in micromanaging you, do in advance the tasks that he expects and get them done well ahead of time. With this, he’ll realize that you have your responsibilities on track—and that he doesn’t need to watch you every second.

4. Keep track of everything.

When your boss asks you for something, record it. Document all his requests and everything you produce. If your boss is the type who gives you orders verbally, you may follow up with an email that outlines the discussion to ensure that you heard everything he said correctly. Always prepare yourself and your documented proof if your boss questions your outputs.

5. Know the triggers.

If your boss has fury management problems, identify what triggers his meltdowns. For instance, if your editor flips when you misspell a client’s name, be sure to double and even triple check your notes.

6. Contact the Human Resources Department.

Do this approach if nothing seems to get better. But first, you have to know what type of HR you have. Are they employee advocates or are compliance driven? If they are compliance driven they will often take your superior’s side, which is bad for you. If they support the employees, you may gain some helpful advice while they study and investigate your situation. Some organizations have employee hotlines coordinated through HR. Research it, before you use it.

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Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels

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