5 Proven Reasons Job Interviews Feel So Awkward

2 min read
Woman whose job interviews feel awkward

Sweaty palms, dry throat, feeling cold: these are few of the many feelings we get in a job interview. In fact, a job interview is just a formal one-on-one conversation with your recruiter. So it’s safe to say you need not get nervous. But why do job interviews feel awkward? This article and infographic will show you five reasons that lurk behind it.

Why Job Interviews Feel Awkward

1) You think of being formal. 

You gauge on the thought of scoring your first good impression by looking like a professional. Likewise, you only loosen up when the interviewer establishes casualness.

2) Interviewers don’t reciprocate generally.

A job interview is a one-way conversation. The interviewer asks you questions and when you answer, you either get a nod or another question. The awkward part of it–is you waiting for a better response. 

3) You’re balancing honesty with strategy.

You want to be honest with your employer  but also cautious of how much you share. You’re being careful with your explanations, so you won’t end up overselling yourself.

4) You feel awkward in marketing yourself. 

You can’t help but feel uncomfortable about marketing your professional value because it can make you look arrogant. 

5) You try hard to read your interviewer’s body language. 

What does the blank stare mean? Does he/she really pay attention or just judge the way you talk? You try to interpret the recruiter’s body language, making you feel uneasy and nervous.

5 proven reasons why job interviews feel so awkward infographic

Download a copy of the 5 Reasons Job Interviews Feel Awkward Infographic.


Now that you know the answers on why job interviews feel awkward, learn how to avoid the possible slip-offs and boost your confidence with our job interview tips and pieces of advice.

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