Job Termination: 4 Easy Ways to Get Fired

2 min read
A man and woman talking about job termination

If you’re reading this blog, we wonder what hit you. Whoever wants to be fired should really be crazy. But hey, we all have our reasons why we wanted to be kicked out of a company. Regardless of your issue, job termination is a critical matter. Your choices greatly affect your career ladder and you must weigh your decisions wisely. And since you’re in search for ways on how to get fired, we’ll tackle the easiest ways to get kicked out of your cubicle.

Job Termination: Four Ways on How to Lose Your Job

1. Let your personal life meddle with professional affairs

Show that you cannot strike a balance between the corporate duties and the family mushies. All bosses smirk at that. And it’s one of the most powerful and safe reasons to be fired. Safe because at least your reputation is not stained by dirty deeds like stealing money. You just value relationships more than your job. But it’s not that convenient, though. As soon as people know, they get the impression that you keep the habit prioritizing unimportant things at home over urgent things in the office.

2. Put in self-interest first before service

You have to be unfair to the company if you want to be in serious trouble. Remember that more than anything, a job is a contract, which is, by the way, the most fragile thing that the company handed you. Break at your own expense and at best, you’ll be freed by the company. At worst, you’ll be sued a case you’ll spend your days behind the bars. The most valued employees are those who are loyal and trustworthy. If you have no plans of being one of these few treasured workers, the surest shortcut out is to disobey rules.

3. Badmouth a boss

Everybody doesn’t like people who criticize all the time. But guess, there’s someone more hated than the critic, and it’s the mudslinger. If you have a boss or a colleague who doesn’t want their reputation to be ruined, tell nasty things about them. Vent out your anger in social media where people will see and eventually tell them. Now, this is the fastest way, really. Your boss will even be the one to come to you to say “You’re fired.” No papers, no lengthy discussions. You go as soon as they find out. But there’s one downside for this tactic: you won’t have them as your reference the next time you applied for a job.

4. Don’t progress

Or worse, don’t do your job. Whichever will do. If you don’t change to adapt to the new demands, pretty soon you’ll find a younger worker at the doorstep – ready to take over your tasks and income while you go hunt for a new employer.

Just a word of concern: Best10ResumeWriters points that you need to have fat savings equivalent to five years of your income because you’ll probably find it hard to get an employer who’s just too trusting to let you in despite the record. Job termination is a serious matter, hence, lead your career wisely.

Photo by from Pexels

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