Example of a Resume for Aspiring Disabled Job Applicants

3 min read
person walking with crutches who needs resume writing tips for people with disabilities

In reality, people with disability experience a lot of bias. Thus, to protect these differently-abled people, the United States Congress, during the leadership of then U.S. President George W. Bush, created and signed into law the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (ADA). This law focuses on the protection against bias to Americans with disabilities. Millions of jobs are under the protection of this program. To be successful in job hunt, consider these best resume writing tips for people with disabilities.

Resume Writing Tips for People with Disabilities

An example of a resume for people with disability is not difficult to make as some of you might think. Though disabled persons have limits in performing certain jobs, they can still be productive and effective in accomplishing various tasks as a normal individual.

If you happen to be among the few aspiring disabled job seekers who are patiently looking for a job, you must try not to focus on your weaknesses. Instead, concentrate on your strengths. Yes, some employers may be biased and may develop a negative view about you, but you should keep your self-esteem in-tact. With the help of a powerful resume, you can present potential employers your fortes and your edge over other contenders.

What Should You Highlight?

While there are jobs that are really not applicable for most disabled persons like you, still, there are a lot more jobs that suit your competence and ability. Besides considering a job that fits your potentials, you should also believe in yourself and in your capacity to do great things. In short, if you think that your disability will not affect your job performance, then you should go for the gold and apply for the post.

After finding a job that fits your capabilities, you must create a list of all your strong points and excellent qualifications. You must be able to present your unique potentials to your future employers. Show them that you can work, accomplish your tasks, and perform at your best even if you have a disability. Recognize and stress out your talents as well.

Indeed, resume writing tips for people with disability should not undervalue one’s capacities. Your resume must be a reflection of your strong determination to get the job and to prove yourself to others.

Should You Disclose Your Disability?

parking for handicapped representing people who needs resume writing tips for people with disabilities

Though the decision to disclose or conceal your disability depends on you, you should still carefully evaluate your status before any potential employer. If you think the employer is considerable, then inform them. But if you think that it will affect your advantage and qualifications in getting the job, then you must postpone mentioning it in your resume. Just wait until your application is picked out.

Similarly, many career specialists advise that you should not disclose your disability until an interview is set. This is to avoid prejudgment and a possible discrimination. Also as stated under the Americans with Disabilities Act, it is no longer a must that you should mention your disability. Thus, you should consider your application normally and must not be too worried about your incapacity.

Starting Your Cover Letter

In writing your cover letter, do not start with the details of your disability. If you want to mention it, make sure you highlight on your strengths and your capacity to overcome them. Follow the standard format in making a cover letter. Then, emphasize more on your skills, talents, and adaptability that showcase your abilities.

Include in the second paragraph your limitations then continue explaining your functions and capacity for the job. Discussing the truth and emphasizing on your trustworthiness will be a good example of a resume.

Getting an Interview

If you have the chance to be invited for an interview, then you’re lucky enough. That would be your chance to prove the employer that you are capable and qualified enough for the job even if you’re disabled.

Always remember that you are not different from others. Never put yourself down. Always bear in mind that there are still many opportunities waiting for you. A positive attitude and great confidence are traits to go best with all the resume writing tips for people with disabilities. You can always stand out from the rest.

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels and AbsolutVision on Unsplash

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