What to Avoid When Saying Goodbye to Your Job

2 min read

Many people, if not all, are saddened when they were fired by their boss, or finally decided to quit their jobs. Both feelings of frustration and hurt sometimes make them forget to think rationally, which leads them to do bad things.

To avoid getting yourself into trouble, the following are things to keep in mind when you ultimately reached that point of no return:

Request for reference

Since you are going to include this job you are going to leave into your resume, you may consider asking for a reference from your boss or employer. Just thinking about it is rather an unusual thing, especially if you were fired horribly.

If the reason of your parting is a serious offense, you can strive to at least obtain a neutral or a good reference when you approach your boss or employer. You can simply say that things did not work out as you expect it when you come face-to-face with a prospective employer.

No pilfering, wrecking, or vandalizing

When you suddenly rage in anger because you feel you were mistreated by your employer or co-workers, resist the urge to commit damaging acts such as stealing, destroying, or vandalizing company property.

Aside from ending up in prison, such criminal offenses will certainly ruin your professional reputation and career as well.

Do not badmouth

When you leave your job on bad terms, you become too emotional about it. No matter what happens, do not say nasty words to your boss and co-workers, even if you believe they deserve it.

Actually, the reason for this is the possibility that one day you’ll meet one of them again or may have to work with any of them in the future. In this kind of situation, you need to practice self-control.

When you get to meet the person to replace your job, do not do or say anything to him or her that will make you a sour grape. You have nothing to gain from spreading rumors or bad words about your employer, manager, or co-workers. You just did not get along well with them.

If you go to a job interview for a new employment opportunity, avoid saying bad things about your former employer, boss, or co-workers. This makes your prospective employer think you have very poor ethical work skills, triggering bad relationships.

Aside from this, they do not have the chance to defend themselves from your attacks. Overall, bad mouthing would negatively affect your job search.

Luis Johnson is a well-respected professor of Psychology and has written various manuals on hiring, recruitment, and training.

Related Post: Things to Consider Before Quitting Your Job

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