The Triumph of Turning Your Job into a Career

3 min read
A cozy office with an orange wooden table and gray swivel chair you can use to turn your job into career successfully

Studies show that people tend to change jobs because of boredom and exhaustion. Surely, the one quick complaint you would get if you asked someone why he or she decided to shift gears is: “I am tired of working like a dog and getting nowhere.” This person wants to pursue a career and not just get a job. To make things clear, a job is usually a task that you do often and is available almost anywhere.

A career, however, is a long-term commitment between an employer and employee with endless rooms of improvement and possibilities. Careers are not handed easily. You earn them. Turning your job into a career may sound challenging but passion and perseverance is the key.

Furthermore, a job can also lead to a career. The process, however, involves long term planning—which can be decided under certain parameters such as experience, salary, and the future interests that the individual will soon have when he or she gets the career desired.

Three Ways to Turn Your Job into a Career

Show Interest in the Company.

If you want an employer to value you, you must give them reasons to value your work, knowledge, and skills. Efficiency in the performance of your job responsibilities is not enough. As an employee, you must display respect and obedience. In other words, all your efforts will be useless and futile if you disregard the company regulations and policies, core values, mission, and other important details of your employer.

Perform Your Duties Professionally.

An employer can definitely tell if one is just a plain employee who is just after the salary or one who will not be bothered to do anything beyond his job description. Someone who tries to pursue a career will be more than willing to go the extra mile.

An employee that has concern for the good of the company stays even in tough times and contributes in his own way, such as cutting costs, going the extra mile, and forgoing a raise. The company value and acknowledge these when the good times come.

Be a Team Player.

The employee that shows up late every morning, takes long lunches, and has many uncalled for habits is not going to be seen as a dedicated employee. All of these practices put stress on someone else and cause other employees to take up the slack.

Someone who is really serious about hopping into another avenue will go beyond what is expected of him. Take the initiative to do things you know you can without bragging about it.

Tips to Advance Your Career

A man holding a cup of coffee in his left hand and typing in a laptop with his right hand

Tell the Truth.

Do not claim that you know everything. Have the courage to say “I don’t know” when you really do not have any idea about something. Do not try to fake it.

Be Responsible.

Take responsibility for your actions. If it is your fault, admit it and take the blame. If you are wrong, apologize.

Never Gossip.

Gossip can hurt the careers of two people: the person being talked about and the person who does the talking.

Be Eager to Learn.

Pitch in and set a good example. Try to explore other areas, especially if nobody else wants to do a specific task. Your willingness to do so will be noticed and appreciated.

Share Credits.

People who share credit with others make a much better impression than those who take all the praise and acknowledgment themselves.

Seek Somebody’s Help.

Ask for help whenever you need one. Do not let a difficult task get out of hand just because of your pride.

Keep Your Dislikes to Yourself.

If you do not like someone or something, try not to show it. Never burn bridges or offend others as you move ahead in your career.

Do Not Hold Any Resentment.

You should accept the fact that life is not always fair. If you did not get the project you wanted or something important to you, let it go. Be gracious and diplomatic; concentrate on the brighter future that is ahead of you and moves on. Harboring resentment or bitterness will not help advance your career.

Be Humble.

When you are right, do not be overly proud or egoistic about it. Do not be too confident, to the point that you are being boastful.

Recognize the People Around You.

Do not be snooty or ignorant. Make others feel that they are important and involved. Compliment other people when needed. Stress their strengths and contributions and help them if you can. They will enthusiastically help you in return.

For more career tips and employment advice, check Resume Help.

About the Author: Nick Woodson has more than 12 years of experience teaching Corporate Communications and Personality Development.

Photo by from Pexels|Lisa Fotios from Pexels

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