10 Proper Ways to Search for a Job While Still Employed

3 min read
Keyboard with job search key

There are days when coming to work becomes more dragging and overwhelming. It especially happens when you’ve been in the company for several years. You wake up one day and suddenly dread Mondays, hate your boss, or simply doesn’t feel the excitement like it was before. If you’re feeling any of these, maybe it’s time to leave. But here’s what you need to know about job searching while employed before heading a different path.

Job Searching while Employed: The Ten Things You Need to Keep in Mind

1. Don’t tell your workmates yet.

Telling everyone that you’re about to leave jeopardize your current and prospective job search. They don’t need to know your plans most, especially if someone from the organization is vying for your position. Don’t let your colleague sabotage your plans. But be professional enough to tell your boss or supervisors about the details when you’ve finally decided about it.

2. Update your LinkedIn profile.

Keeping your LinkedIn profile updated while still looking for a job is one of the secrets of a successful transition. Perhaps, a potential employer would want to know more of your career details through your page. Keeping it posted also saves your time from editing your qualifications more frequently. Don’t post that you’re looking for a job. Your crust boss might be following your profile.

3. Don’t burn bridges.

Keep it classy. Whether you have grudges or just don’t like the policies of your company, it is not good to bad-mouth any of them to a potential employer. Focus on your next step of acquiring a new job instead of the things that make you want to leave your company.

4. Keep it confidential.

There are companies that contact current employers for a background check. Since you’re still looking for a new job, it is better to advise the potential employer to keep it confidential while you’re still preparing to leave.

5. Give different references.

While you’re still employed and looking for a job, it’s not a good idea to put your boss and colleagues as reference on your resume or CV. They might get contacted for the job. And if they’re not aware of it, you’re in trouble of explaining about it.

6. Schedule your interview during non-working hours.

It is still important to stay productive while you’re searching for a new job. You can do this by requesting a potential employer to set your interview during non-work hours. You may also use your remaining leaves to accommodate interviews and other job search tasks.

7. Don’t use the company’s tools.

Whether you’re still looking for a job or waiting for an interview, please don’t use the company’s Internet, phones, machines, and other tools. Remember that you’re still looking for a job and they may track your activities. To prevent any conflict, avoid using any of the company’s properties.

8. Show professionalism on your current job.

Whether you like it or not, you’re still working for the company and it is your duty to comply with their rules and to deliver what is expected from you. Avoid late and absences until your last day in the office. Returning the favor to the company that hired you without hesitations won’t hurt.

9. Don’t post your job search on social media.

Posting your job search or intents of leaving your present work will only create a buzz. If your boss is among your friend’s list then you’re only creating unnecessary issues.

10. Be honest.

Whether you like it or not, your boss will know and eventually ask about your resignation. There’s nothing to worry about it. You only need to be honest and tell him/her the reasons why you’re leaving the company. For what it’s worth, we all have different reasons and motivations in our career and he/she will surely accept and understand your decision.

job searching while employed

It is not always easy to leave a company you’ve been working in for years. For one, it becomes your second home where colleagues become friends and eventually become a family. But sometimes, what we need for our career growth isn’t always be found on what we call “home.”

If you’re struggling to do job searching while employed, hope this article helps. To help you further with your job search, read more of our articles or seek help from the top resume writing service providers from our list today!

Source: forbes.com

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