Motivating Your Employees: A Guide to Boosting Office Morale

2 min read
fist bumping in the workplace implies high office morale

Are you the kind of boss or manager who despises office morale, and goes to work just so you can reprimand your employees on how ineffective they are? Do you work as a micro-manager who plants the seeds of distrust inside the office?

Corporate and industrial offices are the perfect place to observe whether rank-and-file employees are getting their due’s worth. Whenever a boss or manager scolds an employee for producing bad work results, then consider yourself a terrible leader who strikes fear into the hearts of the people inside the workplace.

Reprimanding your employees enforces responsibility, but do you take the time to give your employees a sincere pat on the back for a job well done?
If not then, you may want to consider increasing office morale through positive reinforcements. Many employees fancy resigning on an office that does not contribute to their professional growth nor helps them become more invigorated every time they ride the office elevator.

Building Office Morale

Building office morale is essential if you, as the boss, want everyone to raise the bar each day at work. Fuel their daily work performances with these tips:

Treat them over to lunch or dinner.

Do not be greedy. Reward your employees with a satisfying and robust meal explaining how this particular team exceeded company expectations. A hearty meal inflates the working spirit, and it builds office camaraderie, too.

Consult below-par employees with an inspirational career tete-a-tete.

As a manager, you are responsible for their growth and if one of them is getting behind, inspire them with a short career speech. Make them feel that you need them and that they play a vital role for the success of the company. Comfort their deflated working habits and revitalize their loyalty to both the company and to themselves.

Implement company outings, orientations, and parties.

Do this sparingly. You really do not want your employees to feel too secure and comfortable. Nonetheless, when you think that the office deserves a round of pool and pizza parties, do so occasionally.

Talk about promotions and other award ceremonies.

Treat your employees with awards. Make them feel like that they are walking on the red carpet for winning the “Employee of the Month” certificate. Nurture everyone’s careers with credit and citations to boost office morale.

Be an instrument of motivation.

Decorate the office with a sound working environment. If your employees see for themselves that their boss is working extra hard then, they too will perform and outdo their co-workers in a healthy yet competitive manner.

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Photo by from Pexels

Elaine Russell has more than 10 years of experience writing and editing articles and reading materials about career development.

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