Fighting Job Search Depression, the Avengers Way!

4 min read
A villain in the movie avengers infinity wars

stay motivatedIf you’ve already watched Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War, you must have heard what Thanos said—“I know what it’s like to lose; to feel so desperately that you’re right, yet to fail nonetheless.” Even supervillains experience depression. However, did you know that Thanos owns the secrets to overcoming job search depression? Likewise, did you know the Avengers could help you find the sources and tips to fight job search frustration?

What Are the Sources of Job Search Depression

job search depression
The Avengers were not perfect beings. They have weaknesses of their own. However, they did not dwell on them. Instead, they powered up themselves to defend the universe. Before you fully embrace your strength, you must first defeat the sources of your job search frustration.


If you’re tired of a frustrating job search, how does your experience measure up to Loki’s, the god of mischief? Despite not becoming the king of Asgard, he coped with rejection and worked alongside his brother, Thor.

Negative Emotions

You lost a job; however, it’s not the end of the world. If you think depression while job hunting is a curse you have to live with, you must still rise to save your world. Try to channel Thor, the god of thunder, who remained emotionally strong even after losing his home, his realm, and his brother.


You need not be ashamed if you aren’t the strongest man you envision yourself to be. Bruce Banner still fought in the war even though Hulk refused to take the call.

Loss of Personal Control

If your world has just turned upside-down because you lost grip of your life, remember Captain America. Just imagine Cap fighting for a good cause while taking control of his personal life, too.

Financial Strain

Tony Stark, the tech-genius billionaire, will be the first to tell you that money will not solve your problems. While you acknowledge job search frustration, don’t stress yourself because of it. Look rather for the Pepper Potts around you to support you in this chapter of your life.

Uncertainty of Finding a Job

If you’re going through job search depression, relate with Scarlet Witch. It’s difficult to decide. Should you stay home or leave the house? Will you rather sacrifice your loved one for the sake of humanity? Otherwise, choose the right decision.

How to Overcome Depression: Avengers, Assemble!

job search depression

Are you looking for ways to stay motivated in finding a job? Encourage yourself with these techniques courtesy of the Avengers.


Imitate Dr. Strange and try to see the many outcomes of your success. You can come up with 14,000,605 options, but you must set a game plan of your activities. Create a journal to track your progress.


Stay fit like Black Widow, so you can conserve energy to face challenges. Exercise and wake up early. Likewise, take care of yourself.


It pays to have a support group during job search depression. Share your worries with them, without fear of judgment. Remember, Gamora turned to Star Lord when she worried she might fail her mission.


Don’t shy away from volunteering and building networks. Instead, tell from which direction your next job may come. Check out Groot, though he joined by accident, he became instrumental in creating Thor’s new hammer, the Stormbreaker.


Avoid negative thoughts. Train yourself to be in a sales mindset. In addition, get feedback on how to overcome job search frustration. Reading the intellect, such as how Mantis does, can improve your hiring chances. Further, learn the secrets they may show to help you achieve success.

Attitude Building

Assess your status. Moreover, learn from your mistakes. Sustain a positive outlook. No matter how Stark thinks Parker is not yet ready, Iron Man hailed Spiderman as “The kid’s seen more movies”, which defeated Ebony Maw. Stay positive! Consider yourself as an Avenger in the workplace, just as Peter did.

Reclaim the Infinity Stones to Escape Job Search Depression

Handle matters with the Reality Stone to find the best job niche for you! Likewise, maximize moments with the Time Stone to search for the position and company that best fits your skills. Invite hiring managers and former employees of your dream job for informational interviews with the Mind Stone. Further, fuel up your letters to hiring managers using the Power Stone to convince them you’re the best choice for the job! Widen your networks with the Space Stone. Besides, be open to any network that gives you an opportunity to find work. Let go of your old self and offer it to the Soul Stone so you can renew your career with a bright future ahead of you.

Are you now ready to defeat your version of Thanos, namely job search depression? If you need reinforcements in revamping your resume, don’t worry. Captain Marvel is on her way. Check our reviews top resume writing service providers.

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