Why You Should Not Put Salary Requirement in Your Resume

2 min read
Man computing his salary requirements while writing a resume

To write or not to write, that is the question.

A resume with salary requirements is one hard document to swallow. If not digested properly by the prospective employer, you might end up looking like a dollar-hungry swagger. But if absorbed right, you will end up getting the compensation you believe you deserve. But the latter seldom happens.

The dilemma with the thing is that talking about money right away will cost you the risk of turning off a prospective employer and closing the door for negotiation. But if you really believe that the amount you’ll put in the paper is really worth your services, then you have to make sure that you will spill your price modestly:

1. Do a research

Before you name your rate, you have to check whether it falls near the average salary for the job. Surf the net and see if your range is almost the same for like employees in the area where you will hopefully be working at. Remember that the cost of living in cities is always bigger than those of rural areas. So, if you’ll be working for a company that is far away from the metro, make sure that you consider the location before you set your digits

2. Don’t put up a specific number.

Giving a range makes your employers more comfortable in negotiating about your compensation. If you write a specific amount, it will be a red flag for you. Even if you’re a really good professional, putting up just one fixed price in your application paper will make you look stubborn and uncompromising; thus, blowing up your chance to get the approval of your employers.

3. Mention it on a separate paper or on the cover letter instead of your resume

Another reason why resume with salary requirements is a no-no is because resumes are meant to reveal only your basic and professional information. It will be a bit off if you include your financial details just straight in your self-advertisement. Well, not unless you will be pricing yourself too low that your employer will want to hire you for economical reasons.

4. Talk with someone who is actually employed for the same job

The best way to see the scope of work and if you will actually be getting what you’re paid for is to ask a friend who is doing the same job. The tasks you have to perform may vary depending on each company. If you compare the benefits package versus responsibilities with someone who makes a living from the job you’re competing for, you will have a clearer understanding of the terms and circumstances that might affect your price.

5. On salary history

Your former compensation may or may not be included in the documents. If you will need it as a proof that you’re not setting an amount too high for your worth, then it’s a good practice to include it on a separate paper along with the justification on why you deserved such payment. And need say, you can’t write it on your resume.

6. Assert your quality

Don’t be caught up in a dirty game of employers who are just trying to find out who’s the lowest bidder. No, the job market does not work that way. Bidding for a very low price and putting up a resume with low salary requirements is a desperate tactic. If you are a candidate of quality, you don’t have to sell yourself short just to beat those who do. Instead, brandish your expertise and accountability.

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